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  • Choosing the Best Outdoor Rug for You

Choosing the Best Outdoor Rug for You

Whether you have a patio or decking in your garden at the minute, sprucing it up with a lovely outdoor rug before the warmer months is a great option, for almost every home! Whether you are looking for a rug to offer a new splash of colour, an element of protection for your decking or patio area or you simply just want to personalise your space, there is an outdoor rug for you out there. Before you go ahead and purchase a great rug for your outdoor space though, there are a few important things to note. In this article, we will go through some of the key things you need to consider before you buy! We will go into detail about the best materials for your outdoor rug, what size and shape will be right for you, where to place your rug and we will even give you some amazing maintenance tips! So, without further ado, let's get into it!

Best Materials for your Outdoor Rug

When you choose a rug for the inside of your home, you are almost untethered as to which material of rug you can choose. This is because, indoors, the temperature and humidity will be staying almost constant throughout the year. When it comes to outdoor rugs though, this is different! When placing a rug outside, you have to ensure that the rug will be able to stand up to a wide array of climates. Especially here in Britain where the weather one day can be the polar opposite to the weather the day before.

Overall, the best materials to choose for your outdoor rugs are synthetic materials, however, there are still some natural options available. Below, we go into a bit more detail about the materials outdoor rugs are made with, and which environment they are best suited for! This will also go into detail about where best outdoor rugs are suited.


Polypropylene rugs are best suited to the following environments:

  • Rainy

  • Damp

  • Humid

By far the most popular material for outdoor rugs to be made in, mainly due to the fact that almost all polypropylene rugs are stain-resistant, very easy to clean, do not fade in direct sunlight and can absolutely handle high foot traffic. They also do well in environments with high moisture as well, great for the British weather at least! Whilst polypropylene rugs are strong and durable, they do not get their strength at the expense of their comfort. Many of our customers have found that polypropylene rugs are some of the most comfortable they own. Of course, this depends on the range of rug they have chosen. In a lot of cases, synthetic rugs made with polypropylene can be as comfortable as their natural fibre cousins but at a more affordable cost! Perfect for outdoor environments, but they can be used inside too!


Polyester rugs are best suited to the following environments and uses:

  • Dry Climates

  • Areas Away from Dining Spaces

When people start to consider an outdoor rug for their home, polyester rugs are always a popular option. Not only are they fade resistant, making them great for use in direct sunlight, they are also long lasting and incredibly durable. They only start to fall away from the quality of polypropylene rugs when we look at their toughness. Whilst polypropylene rugs are stain-resistant, polyester rugs are not. For this reason, we do not recommend that you place your polyester outdoor rugs in a dining area. Whilst they do handle a lot of stains well, they are not great at dealing with oil-based stains and these stains can be harder to clean. Polyester rugs, you will find, are an amazing option for outdoor seating areas, being placed on decking or a patio! Whether you are going to place your rug under a veranda, on a balcony or leave it completely exposed to the elements is completely up to you.


Nylon rugs are best suited to the following environments and uses:

  • Areas with High Foot Traffic

  • Avoid Using in Direct Sunlight

  • Great for Dining Areas

Nylon rugs are an option for your outdoor rugs that are only ever increasing in popularity. They are incredibly easy to clean, amazingly durable and they will not fade. Meaning you can use your nylon outdoor rug for years to come without having to worry about replacing it to ensure the colours stay vibrant. The one area where nylon rugs fall down is that they can get hot when placed under direct sunlight, so we need to recommend that you use your nylon rug in areas where there is shade. Of course, as with all rugs, they can deal with a bit of sunlight! But if you are thinking of placing an outdoor rug in an area where it will be exposed to direct sunlight for the majority of the day, on most days, then you should consider another rug material.

Sisal and Jute

Sisal and jute rugs are best suited to the following environments and uses:

  • Covered Areas (Porch or Patios)

  • Keep Away from Direct Sunlight

  • Perfect for an Outdoor Seating Area

Here we come to a natural fibre rug that is suitable for outdoor use! Sisal and jute rugs are firm, and maybe more importantly, they are affordable too! All of this makes them great for use in the outdoors. Biodegradable, eco-friendly and comfortable underfoot! Whether you are looking to spruce up the seating area on your porch, or create a lovely place for your family to relax on your patio, you really cannot go wrong with an outdoor rug created from sisal or jute. However, there are some drawbacks to using a natural fibre such as jute or sisal when it comes to outdoor rugs! They are not so easy to clean, and are incredibly prone to fading in direct sunlight. Not only this, but they are also susceptible to mould and mildew growth. Not a great thing for an outdoor rug. Therefore, we recommend that you place your jute or sisal rug in an area where it will not be hit by direct sunlight, and in an area where it is protected from the elements. Underneath a porch or covered patio area is a great option! Then you are free to enjoy your lovely, natural fibre, outdoor rug all year round!

Land of Rugs Top Tip: Did you know you can make use of the durability outdoor rugs can offer by bringing them inside! Outdoor rugs are a great option to be placed in children's bedrooms, playrooms or kitchens! Essentially, they can be placed in any location that is prone to mess if you are looking to protect your flooring.


Care and Maintenance of your Outdoor Rug

Whilst you can stick to the 'rule of thumb' for cleaning rugs here, even for an outdoor rug, and clean your rug monthly and at the start of each new season. We understand that, especially when it comes to rugs placed in the outdoor environment, that accidents can happen! And they are prone to happen! Whilst exact cleaning instructions will vary depending on the material of your rug, the manufacturer and the style the rug is made in, there is a general process you can work with here as well! Check below for some general cleaning instructions depending on the spill or mess that needs to be cleaned up:

General Spills:

One of the best ways to clean up general spills on your outdoor rug is to use a hose, scrub brush and a small amount of dish soap diluted down with some water. Then, simply dampen the rug with water, gently scrub with a brush until the stain has been removed, and then rinse off with a small amount of water and hang to dry.

Moss and Algae

When it comes to moss and algae on your outdoor rug, this is a common scourge! Luckily, it is easy to fix! Simply use a combination of bleach and water. Be careful not to use too much bleach as this could cause the rug to start to fade. Another great way to clean moss and algae from your rug is to use vinegar! Be sure to clean both sides of the rug thoroughly and leave to dry in the sunlight!

In the winter months where you will not be outside as frequently, the best thing to do to ensure your rug stays in tip top condition is to store it away. Roll it up (NEVER fold) and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight indoors. If you do not have anywhere indoors to store your rug, then cover in plastic sheeting. A rug covered with plastic sheeting can then be stored under your decking or in your garage where it is not likely to get wet.

Deciding on the Placement of your Outdoor Rug

When it comes to outdoor rugs, you have a wide array of options for placement. Being both functional and stylish, there are many areas where an outdoor rug will look great! In ideal scenarios, you will want your outdoor rug in a space where it can provide both style and functionality. Common places our customers choose to place their outdoor rugs are under dining areas, seating areas and under a specific grouping of furniture. Of course, you can choose to place your outdoor rug in any area you choose! And as mentioned above in our top tip, you can also place your outdoor rugs inside during the colder months to maximise their usage.

The Sizing and Shape of your Outdoor Rug

As with choosing a rug for inside your home, you will need to consider the size and shape of your outdoor area when looking at placing an outdoor rug down. One of the key things to making sure your rug looks great in your space is that it fits its environment perfectly! If your rug is going to be sitting under a group of furniture, then you need to ensure the rug is large enough so that at least the front two legs of all pieces of furniture can be placed on the rug with room to spare. Commonly, people choose to place their outdoor rugs in a seating area. In this case, you should be able to pull out every single chair around the table and have all the legs remain comfortably on the rug. As a rule of thumb, make sure your rug is around 2 feet wider on each side than the table. Looking to use a rug for an outdoor seating area? The best option here is to use a rug to be placed in the middle of the seats. No furniture needs to be placed on a rug in this case, and you can just use the rug as a styling piece, or for an additional layer of comfort for your feet.

If you are in the market for an outdoor kitchen make sure you don't make these mistakes.

  • Posted On: 4 March 2021

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